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Schalttechnik Janus Austerlitz s.r.o.

The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Brno, file number C, insert 33523

Marefy 153
685 01 Bučovice

+420 517 382 595, +420 517 382 654
[email protected]

ID: 25559524
VAT ID: CZ25559524

Short delivery times for our basic Form C Switches
30/05/2021 17:23

As we can deliver our basic Form C switches within 4-6 weeks, we ar...

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ULC certification for all Reed Switches obtained!
30/05/2021 17:13

We are proud that all our Reed Switches have now the UL certificati...

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Schalttechnik Janus Austerlitz in the EU funding project
26/11/2020 15:22

Schalttechnik Janus Austerlitz s.r.o. is now officially accepted in...

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